
     Hello visitors! Feel free to browse my photos on this blog. I will deeply appreciate it and you'll have my advance gratitude if you'll let me know your thoughts about my entries by leaving any comments.
     Sukitography is a photo blog operated by yours truly, Sukito. Sukitography is a combination of two words... my name, "Sukito" and "Photography". Basically, I will be showing and sharing some of the shots that I've taken in this small space of the net. People, places, faces, nature, animals, moments and even simple objects which we sometimes take for granted but appears to me as an interesting subject.
     I am an amateur in taking pictures and have not undergone any photography lessons. Although I am planning to attend some photography seminars someday if  there's any chance. I'd like to call myself more as a photohobbyist who just love and can see the beauty in any moment or images which I find interesting. For me, there's nothing wrong for being an amateur because even the professionals begins learning with the basics. All of us is a newbie in anything we do until we become an expert in the subject of our choice. As they say, "experts build the Titanic, while amateurs build the ark". I admire beautiful photos and great works of art that stirs something within me as I look at it. Looking at beautiful pictures isn't plainly visual but emotional as well. Something the beholder has this connection with. Good and expensive cameras really plays a big factor in producing great and clear shots. But having a heart for and talent for capturing moments and any subject gives the beholder the message that the photo was trying to convey which is way much vital in becoming a photographer... or in anyone whom you wanted to be known in any field.
     Anyway, enjoy browsing the photos while reading the small captions with it. Then leave any of your comments afterwards for a better interaction between you and me. WELCOME and THANK YOU :) 

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